Best Bar Mitzvah SWAG

If you throw a traditional bar or bat mitzvah, often you’ll incorporate “swag” into the mix. Swag means things like hoodies, tee shirts, hats, it could be anything really!

Since a Bar Mitzvah is for a 13 year old kid, it’s fun to come up with a theme to play into for the party. Typically, this theme and/or the kid’s initials will then be worked into a logo and that logo is used throughout the party in places like napkins, cups, on the dance floor and SWAG! In the timeline of bar mitzvahs, the theme and logo creation are decided when you design the invite. Our invite was designed by Suite Paperie who came up with the tagline “One Night Only” for Gavin’s party after we told her he’d be doing a DJ set that night. Brilliant!

For Gavin’s Bar Mitzvah, he did a New York City theme but to make it his own, called it CITY OF G. Often you’ll receive swag at a BM that has the child’s name on it. Seri’s Bat Mitzvah or SERI 1991. You get the idea. For Gavin’s, there were two things very important to us when it came to his logos and the swag:
1. Didn’t want it to be cheesy and wanted the logo to have purpose
2. Wanted good quality items that our guests would be excited to wear after the party instead of turning the items into rags.
The logos, theme, designs and quality of the swag also known as “merch” was spot on. It was cool, the sweatshirts were the softest ever and the items were practical. We worked with Lux Kippot to create all of these items. She sent us samples in advance so we could choose our qualities and around Christmas time, she worked with me to order more because we wanted to gift sweatshirts to some of our friends who didn’t take any that night.

Because of the New York City Theme, our brilliant event producer had the great idea of setting it all up like you would see on Canal street. Of course we let our family members have first pick when they arrived and through the night let each kid choose 2 items to bring home. Every kid got to bring their swag home in a tote bag and to make those different, we went with clear with I LOVED.

After Gavin’s bar mitzvah and still to this day, 4 months later, we are receiving photos from our friends and family wearing their swag. They are obsessed, as are we.

Nailed it.