Let's Give It Up For the LADIES!

Let’s be honest, women are BADASSES. I’m not a mom but if I ever have kids I swear I will spend every waking day making sure they know that the world seriously couldn’t run without us. It’s kind of crazy when you actually sit down to think about it.

March is Women’s History Month and today is #InternationalWomensDay, so in honor of this I thought I’d do a little round up of all the ways we can honor the ladies both in our life and around the world doing BIG things for the rest of us. Women have come SO far but we still have a ways to go! Let’s support women not just we know but everywhere so we can see more CEO’s, engineers, and one day president.

The future is looking bright with us in the drivers seat!

Charities to support

  1. Women for Women International - A humanitarian group that provides moral support to women who are victims of war. The organization aids women in these areas of conflict by "providing skills, knowledge, and resources that create sustainable change for women, their families, and their communities.

  2. Trans Women Of Color Collective - Seeks to shift the narrative of surviving to thriving in our communities. The group provides a network to trans women of color where they can meet entrepreneurs, healers, and collaborators to help them succeed.

  3. The Malala Fund - An international non-profit organization created by Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani activist for women's education and the youngest winner of the Nobel Peace Prize (and total badass). The organization works to provide education for the 130 million girls who are out of school due to financial issues or social barriers.

  4. She Should Run - This organization recognizes the gender gap within politics and aims to get more women involved in running for political office. It offers online classes and leadership programs that equip women with the knowledge and tools needed to make a name for themselves within politics.

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movies to watch

  1. Little Women - A classic book, re-made to speak to the modern woman. So many great females leads in this film!!

  2. 20th Century Women - This movie is about a teenage boy who is raise by 3 strong and very different women. I totally loved it and will be for sure rewatching it this month!

  3. Lady Bird - Saoirse Ronan stars in this movie as Lady Bird, a 17 year old girl who is coming of age in Sacramento and feels misunderstood by all those around her. I feel like so many of us can relate to this film, especially when we think back to being a teenager.

  4. The Help - This movie tells the story of black women working in the homes of white people during the civil rights movement in Jackson, Mississippi. The film is not without its problems, particularly Skeeter, played by Emma Stone, sort of swooping in to save the day. But the stories of Aibileen and Minny, played powerfully by Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer respectively, are worth a watch.


  1. Female Collective - Follow this account for daily reminders and mantras that remind you of how you should be celebrating yourself everyday.

  2. Recipes For Self Love - RFSL will give you amazing illustrations for your timeline and promote self-love from a female perspective.

  3. Rupi Kaur - A well-known poet, Rupi Kaur is the author of the bestselling book “Milk and Honey”. Her poetry speaks to a large audience, especially women as it is both empowering and deeply relatable.

  4. Makers Women - This account tells real-life stories — both insightful and relatable — of female change makers.

Now get out there and thank a woman… because you wouldn’t be here without one! Happy International Women’s Day!