For The Love of Coffee Table Books


Anyone who knows me, knows I’m obsessed with coffee table books. My love for them began with my boyfriend Liam, who is obsessed with books in general. He has a huge library and always needs 4 books that he has yet to read on hand at all times. So as you can imagine, I spend a lot of time looking at books to gift him and we go to a lot of book stores as well - on vacation, while running errands, really whenever we come across one.

While I wish I was a reader, I sadly am not. So whenever we’d be in a store he’d head to the classic literature section, he naturally loves Shakespeare like the little nerd he is, HA! And I head to the coffee table book section. Can you blame me?! I’m a visual person! And books with no pictures just don’t do it for me.

But really - I think of coffee table books as an art. It’s not just about the pictures, I love the interesting subject matters you can make them into! You can curate a whole library of all of your interests in coffee table books alone (this is my dream someday).

Given my obsession, I thought I’d round up some of my favorites from my personal collection. Some are all time favorites of mine that I’ve had for years and still pick up and flip through, and some are new ones I just added this past holiday season! Check out my collection below!