Halloween Party Fun

Halloween is by far one of my favorite holidays. It’s the best excuse to go outside your comfort zone and be different for a day…right?!

This year we’ve got all kinds of tips and tricks to share with you whether you’re planning a party or just a playdate for the kids.

Let’s get spooky…


Choose a wall in your home to cover in cobwebs. We used command hooks (non-damaging on walls) and adhere about 10 of them all over the wall space that you are going going to cover. Then apply cobwebs (you can buy bags of it at your local craft or party store - we used 2 bags) to the hooks and stretch it between all hooks on the wall. On top of the cobwebs we taped letter balloons, size 40” to the wall to spell BOO. These were gold and we spray painted them orange but the gold would have looked just as fabulous! To add a little extra “spook” we put up a black crow above the BOO letters and on the other side, two jumbo googly eyes….

Keep the food simple on Halloween if you’re having a party because this holiday really is all about the CANDY! I love hollowing out a pumpkin to use as a bowl for either chips, dip or ice and champagne. We picked up store bought dips from the store and served with corn chips. We also made Aunt Debi’s chocolate bark that included edible eyeballs that we found at Michael’s craft store.

We came up with a haunted cocktail called the Bloody Orange. We served it in a beverage dispenser that we covered in cobwebs and spiders. Here’s how to mix this one up:
2 bottles of Cranberry juice (64 oz each)
1 bottle of club soda (1L)
10 Gummy worms
1 sliced blood orange
1 sliced grapefruit
1 sliced orange
Combine everything and stir! Serve over ice if you’d like.

We thought it would be fun to set out some crafts for the kiddos this Halloween. For starters, we had them decorate tote bags that they could use for trick or treating. I found black tote bags at Michael’s along with tons of crafting supplies such as glow in the dark fabric paint! Too perfect! The kids made the most adorable bags. I also spray painted a bunch of pumpkins with black chalkboard paint and let them decorate with chalk, studs and other supplies that were easy to glue onto the pumpkin.


If you’re an avid follower of LMP than you already know my 10 year old son is a budding DJ! He has created a Halloween party playlist for you to listen to. Click here to pump up the tunes for your party!

Want to read more about our Halloween ideas? Check out all of Halloween fun in the NY Post!

Hope you have a Happy Halloween! Be safe and have FUN!