Oh, Canada


I was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After I graduated University, I got a job at Nesbitt Burns as an assistant to a small group of traders. I loved it. I had the best best best experience working there. Until....the market crashed in the year 2000. Then, work wasn't so fun anymore. 

I had always dreamt of living in New York City and for no other reason then it looked like this magical city where your dreams come true, so they made it seem in all the movies and tv shows that I watched.


While putzing around on my computer one day, I typed in New York + Fashion + Job. I was a shopping addict so I thought a job in fashion would be perfect for me. A financial assistant at Kate Spade popped up and I thought WOAH. That sounds pretty perfect to me! So I applied.

Long story short, I got the job and 4 weeks later my life in Toronto was packed up and moved to New York City.

My journey becoming a legal working resident in New York was a rough and long one but I never gave up. I followed the rules and finally after many calls with my lawyer, I got an H1B visa. Right after I got that visa, boom. September 11th happened. My family FREAKED out and begged me to come home but I made the decision to stay put and continue building my life in the United States.

Now I'm not one to get into political conversations because honestly I don't know enough about politics. However a few years back I became an American Citizen and this past election was my first. It's also the first time I (had to) become educated on politics because never in my life have I seen so many issues within the country turned upside down.

I won't turn this post into a political debate because that's not what LMP is about but I will tell you as a mother and a human being I'm truly afraid. I never (even after September 11th) lived in fear until now. 

I am blessed to have been born in Canada and my children are blessed to have Canadian citizenship. I will always be loyal to Canada and know that it is a safe country for me to return to if need be.


I have the fondest memories of our Canada Day celebrations where we would gather on the street in our neighborhood with lawn chairs and fireworks. This July 1st I’ll be celebrating Canada’s birthday LMP style with balloons, cupcakes and red wine. Happy Birthday Canada! You are one beautiful country.

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