Little Miss Party

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Unicorns are all the rage these days

You know it's funny when a new trend catches on and you see it EVERYWHERE!  That's how we are feeling about unicorns right now. They are all the rage, aren't they?!

If you love this unicorn trend as much as we do then you're going to squeal over the box that just went live in our shop. Check out the Magical Party in a Box. Oh Em Gee. How pretty?!

We partnered with a couple of our favorite vendors to include a few very extra special items in this box. Maypole NYC who we recently met makes hand crafted party decor and we fell in love with their unicorn themed cake toppers. They are so beautiful with the most perfect neon horns and they will last forever if you take good care of them! (just lick the cake off the sticks when you are done hehe)

Then there is One Stylish Party who recently started another craze with her stunning ballon garland kits! Owner, Tara Berger created a custom garland to match the palette we have going on in this box. The garland comes with a balloon pump and all materials you need to assemble which is so easy.

Now ready for this? We met a super talented face paint artist, Sheila Jordan. While working on this box we thought why not bring Sheila into the office for a little fun?! We asked Sheila if she could paint our faces! It's so fun to have a face painter at a kids party BUT what about us grown ups! We want to join in on the we did. And check this out...could you die? How gorgeous is this face paint?!

You'll find more fabulous items in this box such as a white ceramic cake stand that you can add to your entertaining collection as well as colorful star shaped plates and of course a confetti bomb.

Now you just need an excuse to have a party right? Well spring is here and summer is around the corner so let's get planning!

Shop the Box here.Photos by Maggie Antalek