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Team Resolutions for 2023

Over the year’s we’ve done team resolutions posts and this is always a favorite of mine. I love seeing what Seri and Maggie have planned for the year ahead and it gets me thinking about what I want to accomplish as well!

Resolutions get a bad rep about only being popular in January, and I can’t say that’s completely wrong. But here is your reminder to revisit your resolutions at the beginning of each month to remind yourself why you set them! It’s never too late to hop back into a good routine and no you do not have to have a perfect record for it to be just as meaningful.

So without further ado…. here is what the Rev team is hoping to do more of in 2023!


My 2023 resolutions are pretty straightforward and I think….achievable.  For starters - I want to start each day by:

  1. Placing cucumber patches under eyes to reduce puffiness (I’m 44 years old and yes to put a needle to my face…)

  2. Drink 64 oz of water a day. So far so good with this motivating water bottle!

  3. Take my vitamins.  I have been taking the daily pre-packed vitamins by Goop which have been making it super easy so I don’t have to go from bottle to bottle!

  4. Eat more of the rainbow: I am the type of person that will drown in work and to do’s all day and avoid eating properly balanced meals.  I’m not going to make a resolution to eat these meals because I know that I won’t but I do want to eat healthier. So instead of making myself greasy eggs every morning at 11 and then eating a bowl of chips and cheese around 3, I am going to start eating more of the rainbow:  clementines, peppers, cucumbers, green beans and carrots!

That’s all I got in me. Let’s do a check in next year to see what I achieved!  


Last year I feel like I totally lost the routine I used to have when I worked at the LMP office Monday through Friday, 9-5. So this year, all my goals revolve around getting back into a routine to help me keep a steady schedule and improve overall productivity!

  1. Don't immediately look at my phone when I wake up, but instead, write in my Five Minute Journal.

  2. Get my artwork featured in a gallery! I'm renting my first art studio and this year I hope to expand my painting skills and have a chance to show it off.

  3. Travel to Europe. I have been dying to make it to Portugal!

  4. Put more money into savings and retirement


I have to say, 2022 was a big one for me. So I am not sure how many “huge” milestones are in my path for this year, but maybe that’s a good thing! Time to focus on the little stuff…. like practicing self care and getting into better routines.

  1. Establishing a better daily routine - Like not checking my emails right when I wake up, eating proper lunches daily, turning off the computer by 5, taking breaks for myself. Just trying to work on my general health :)

  2. Saving! Did I mention I got engaged last month?! Time to start planning for the big day!

  3. Making my house a home - We moved in in July, and we’ve slowly been adding personality to each of the rooms, so I want to do more of that this year… starting with hanging some art on the walls! The backyard is what I am most excited about :)

  4. Spending more quality time with friends! I often get caught up in the tasks of my everyday week, and forget to make time for friends!