Little Miss Party

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Snacks on the Go

This post has been sponsored by Kellogg's. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Managing a household with kids is no easy task. There is so much to think about and do between making sure there is food on the table, clothes on their backs, bills paid…the list goes on and on.

In my home, our roles are quite defined. My husband works in finance and has a very demanding job with long hours that keeps him tied up and out of the house Monday through Friday. I have my own business which is a beast to manage, however because I’m the boss, I can do my work when I have time instead of reporting into an office during 9-5 type hours. That means if I need to grocery shop or take my kids to an appointment, I can do so at any time during the day and then catch up on my work later at night if necessary.

When I need to take care of household errands, I try to plan them in a way that does not involve schlepping my kids along with me because it’s boring for them and they get cranky quickly and easily! However, there are times that I don’t have a choice and the kids need to join me. In this case, I try to get them involved in the process to make it all a little more exciting.

First, I make sure to bring them a nice variety of snacks and water because without fail the second we get into our car to go anywhere they shout:




I like to pack at least one dry item and one fresh item. My kids are really digging the new Kellogg’s® Wild Berry Froot Loops® Cereal that we found at Walmart. I fill up a container of these and include some fresh berries as well as a water bottle to keep the little guys hydrated.

Right now I’m on Eastern Long Island for the summer, and our errands out here are very different from our errands in the city. We hit the usual stores like Walmart for essentials such as cereal, cleaning supplies and office needs, and then we stop at our local farm stands for fresh fruits and veggies. I involve my kids in the shopping process by letting them choose their favorite products and produce, like their favorite cereal - Wild Berry Froot Loops!    

In my family, when the kids are involved and they have snacks on hand, everyone is happy!